We are proud to fund thirteen annual scholarships each year. Ten scholarships will be awarded to students attending high school in the three GPACAC membership states of Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma and three scholarships will be awarded to college students from our membership states planning to transfer to a different post-secondary institution. Please see the scholarship information below for more details on each opportunity. All awards are intended to help pay for tuition, housing, fees and/or books. Scholarship recipients will be notified of the decision by email. These scholarships are a one-time award and will be mailed to students' postsecondary institution of choice.
Click on the link below to see our recent winners and past year recipients.
Congratulations to our 2024 Winners!
Six scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded each year. Students must meet all the following scholarship requirements listed below:
Essay topic:
What is a lesson you learned during high school and how will that lesson impact your future?
Important Dates:
Scholarship application open October 15th and close February 15th. Recipients will be notified in early April.
The award goes to one student in the Great Plains region each year. The scholarship amount is $1,000. Students must meet all the following scholarship requirements listed below:
Essay topic:
Describe a specific community service experience. How did the experience affect you? How did it impact your leadership?
Important Dates:
Scholarship application open October 15th and close February 15th. Recipients will be notified in early April.
GPACAC awards three scholarships of $1000 to students whose school counselor is a member of the GPACAC. The scholarship amount is $1,000 per student.
Counselor Requirements:
Students must meet all the following scholarship requirements listed below to be considered:
Essay topic:
Tell us how your teachers and/or counselor would describe you.
Important Dates:
Scholarship application open October 15th and close February 15th. Recipients will be notified in early April.
Three scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded to college transfer students. Students must meet all the following scholarship requirements listed below:
Scholarship Requirements:
Essay topic:
What is a lesson you learned this year and how will it impact the next step on your journey?
Important Dates:
Scholarship applications open October 15th and close February 15th. Recipients will be notified in early April.
Grants are available to high school counselors and college/university professionals seeking funding to attend a professional development conference. The grant opportunities are intended for professionals who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend professional development opportunities due to financial constraints
Important Dates
Grant Eligibility & Details:
Grant funding may vary based on need and available funds. Grants may include funding for conference registration, lodging and/or travel expenses. Some funding from NACAC is specifically earmarked for public high school counselors.
Recipients will be reimbursed following the attendance at the event and submission of expense report.
It is the expectation that each GPACAC grant recipient share their professional development with fellow counselors. There are many ways to fulfill this requirement such as presenting at a local, regional or national conference; submitting an article for our website or to a professional journal; or sharing their experience in the GPACAC newsletter.
Scholarships and Grants Chair:
Lisa Hatch - lhatch@gpsne.org
Headed to Spring Conference? Get your GPACAC attire today!