One-day, professional development opportunities for admissions professionals with less than five years of experience. These summer institutes include sessions, networking, and collaborative opportunities. Programming topics include maximizing high school visits, college fairs, financial aid, ethical practices in admission, and more!
These are great opportunities for HS counselors and college admissions reps to collaborate and connect with one another. These professional development events include breakfast and an opportunity for college reps to share updates and general information with area high school counselors.
Looking for a career change? Does your organization have a job opening? Check out our Job Postings for opportunities!
Virtual sessions that meet monthly during the lunch hour. We will feature various college admissions related topics, guest speakers, networking, and plenty of time for open discussion. We invite members to join us!
Check out the Inclusion, Access, Success (IAS) Committee's upcoming events. We offer various virtual presentations, an annual book club, and a wide variety of activities to help our members learn and grow within their profession!
Government Relations leads the efforts in educating our members about public policy, keeping all members informed of issues concerning our educational system, and fostering relationships with our elected leaders. Check out the recent GPACAC Hill Days and some of this committee's other latest activities.
College Share is a collaborative event where GPACAC’s colleges and universities share the latest updates and information about their schools with GPACAC’s HS counselors, IEC’s, and CBO partners. This virtual event is held annually in the early fall.
Approved in September 2020, NACAC's "Guide to Ethical Practice in Admission" reflects the association's long-standing commitment to conduct among professionals who support students in the college transition process from secondary school to post-secondary education or in the transfer process between post-secondary institutions. If you have questions about the GEPCA or ethical practice in admissions for our affiliate please contact GPACAC past-president, Jennifer McClendon.
Looking to build your college counseling program and find resources to help guide students? You've come to the right place!
Special interest groups are a way for specific and smaller subsets of colleagues to come together to network, collaborate, and share amongst each other. SIG leaders will host virtual meetings on a regular basis.
GPACAC’s Mentorship Program brings together colleagues with varied levels of experience. By creating intentional 1:1 mentor/mentee pairings, affiliate members will form meaningful connections that contribute to the collaborative spirit of our profession, providing professional growth for participants. You will build relationships and mutually share talents, skills, and experiences that are valuable to our day-to-day work.
You’re invited to join GPACAC’s NCCN meeting (Nebraska College Counseling Network) at Creighton University. Light continental breakfast and coffee will be provided! Feel free to bring a colleague too (just make sure they also RSVP to plan for breakfast count).
Headed to Spring Conference? Get your GPACAC attire today!